C. Elegans
Caenorhabditis Elegans (C. Elegans) Connectome Information and Developments
C Elegans Connectome Research

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How to stay in touch:
Getting Started
Do you want to create your own instance of a connectome? and run apps or robotics? Go to our Connectomix website. -
In the News
Often great info in the comments section.-
BioCoder: OReilly Media, Inc.
The Robotic Worm -
First digital animal will be perfect copy of real worm -
Wall Street Journal
Scientists Upload Worm's Mind Into a Lego Robot -
MailOnline - Science
Are we on the brink of creating artificial life? -
I Programmer - Artificial Intelligence
A Worm's Mind In A Lego Body -
This Robot Thinks It's a Tiny Worm
BioCoder: OReilly Media, Inc.
Join our Opensource Connectome Engine List
Here is where we can discuss events and advancements in Connectome science and technology. -
InterIntel's twitter feed
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Watch Videos here:
Youtube Channel
Video on the C Elegans Connectome and robot working and sensing the environment.
Active Neurorobotics
Other sites and projects of interest:
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility is a premier organization promoting the formulation and understanding of the neurosciences.
INCF website -
Open Source Brain
Open Source Brain is a resource for sharing and collaboratively developing computational models of neural systems.
Opensource Brain website -
OpenWorm Project
You can find out more about C. Elegans and some interesting simulation efforts at the
OpenWorm website